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1) Repexpert runs on client site, it can control some printing setting such as paper size. -- You can change RDF file, specify the p
 » Home » Utilities » Printers » RepExpert Pro 1.2.8
Company: Lion Soft
License: Shareware
Version: 1.2.8
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 600KB
Date Released: March 12, 2004
Price: $39
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 1198
Date added: Sep 29, 2005
Click here to Download
1) Repexpert runs on client site, it can control some printing setting such
as paper size.
-- You can change RDF file, specify the paper size for the report, assign a
printer as default printer.
Your clients do not need to choose paper size at all. In fact, many end
users are not skilled enough to choose exact paper size.
-- Repexpert (Ver 1.2.8 or higher) can remember your appreciate printer and
paper size for every report in htmlcss format.
Your clients do not need to choose printer and paper size time and time
-- If you print with IE, you have to setup margins each time, sometimes your
setting may not take effect.
Using repexpert, your clients do not need to setup margins time and time
-- Repexpert can output report to printer directly without display, just
like ORARRP.

2) You can call repexpert use web.show_document.
If you call web.show_document, repexpert will catch this event, if it
`think` the URL is linked to a file generated by report server,
It will download the file and open it.
Note: This feature may not work properly on windows 2003.

3) Advanced features.
-- Repexpert can open very large report even includes 2,000,000 pages.
-- Repexpert can split report output into pages, your client can print
determinate page exactly.
-- Repexpert can remove blank page, it can also remove blank area in bottom
of each page.
-- Repexpert(Pro) can convert html to ms-excel format. (Note: Repexpert lite
do not support this feature)

-- You should install repexpert on every workstation.
Repexpert (Ver 1.2.6 or higher) support self-update. it will download
upgrade patch from

You can also deploy upgrade patch in your local network, thus your
clients do not need to access internet.


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